Friday, December 31, 2010

new year's resolution =)


1.1.11 num aight?? i bet hundreds or thousands couples kawin or tunang today kan? conform punyoooooo .....

so semua org mesti ada new year's resolution kan? sy pn tak ketinggalan jugak. korg tahu tak.ini 1st time sy nak buat azam azam ni.tahun baru before2 ni sy tapnah pn nk buat tau.sbb sy tahu sy akan buat tk layan je dgn semua ni..pemalas lah katakan...but this year gonna be a weee bit mcm SEMANGAT GILOSS ! sooooo excited for the new year..WONDER WHY? hopefully cos a lot of wonderful things awaits me (finger's cross)..jadi.di bawah adalah senarai azam sy utk tahun 2011.


1. membeli/membuat sendiri organizer. this way, i'll be more organized.dah nama pn organizer korg mesti pk...hek eleh..mcm la bz sgt minah ni nak ber'organizer' bagai...maksud sy..lebih terurus dr segi kewangan dan juga kehidupan seharian..cthnya...hari apa nk hanta dobi..hari apa nak kena exercise.hari apa nk dating..hari apa ada meeting.hari apa kena jumpe client..dan sebagainya..i will also record my spending (this is one way of controlling my-always-over-budget-thing). dgn cara ini..i will be more control of myself..MY LIFE.

organizer tk perlulah terlalu serious.i can be in whatever shape . form n colors..supaya kita lebih rajin utk ikot apa yg kita tulis.

angel putih:
hey ena ! jgn nak mengada sgt boleh tk nk beli mahal2 konon..control budget lah sgt..haishhh

ena: yelah yelah....berangan sikit pn tabole... ;p

2. seperti yg saya dah katakan.tujuan beli organizer adalah supaya i have more time for itulah azam ke-2 sy...LESS WAITING AROUND AND DEPENDING ON PEOPLE AND MORE TIME FOR MYSELF. bunyinya agak what the still young.not enjoy life while i still whatever i feel like doing.

3. azam ke-3 ni mmg agak cliche la sket kan. cos i wanna loose 5kg by april..kalau lagi cepat lagilah dgn tahap kemalasan diri sendiri ni...bagi masa lah sket ek...yg penting perot ni nk dikempiskan atau diflatkan ala2 perot jennifer aniston...peha ni bagi slim mcm peha gisele bundchen (btol ke eja) n double chin ni kasi hilang n runcingkn dagu ala angelina korg jgn la bygkn yg sy ni mok gila ni biasa2 je...just ada area la yg terlebih lemaks sket....kena lah trim2 sket..

4. buy a house or at least have enuf savings to buy one early 2012. this one might seems a lil bit over org ckp bila kte ade aim..kita akan work hard towards it... ;) maybe i'll find a house and rent it or i'll live there on my own...we'll seeeeee...
5. able to save more each month. i've made some calculation after tolak2 other hopefully i can save that much at the end of the year..

alrighty...that's all...cukuplah 5 je..kang byk2 tak buat 1st going out to buy myself an organizer..tihihihihi...see yaa !!!!


Sunday, December 19, 2010


mesti ramai yg ternanti nantikn my braces pix kan? kan? kan? (konon ramai peminat.pdhal diri sendiri je yg baca blog sendiri :p) ive decided not to upload any...tihihihi...hey..suka hatilah...malu lah lgpn....burukkkk :((((((

ok i wanna talk about mood swing...i have a real bad mood swing problem...

so sy nak kongsikan serba sedikit tentang masalah mood swing saya ni...mood swing dlm erti kata lain..angin yg tidak menentu? alaa..mcm kejap marah..kejap ok..kejap thats me..i came to realize that its becoming worst and worst.....jd mangsa keadaannya adalah mr.bubu....kesian dea.sori darling :(( im the world's worst girlfriend !

tgh saya belek2 google oh how to handle stress and stuff...saya terjumpa lah satu article ni...mood swing boleh membawa maut !!!! bahaya kan? tp logik bila kita marah2..mcm2 kita boleh terbuat...cthnya seperti bengang gila dkt someone n stab him/her sampai mati...or tolak dea jatuh bangunan..or tarik rambut dea sampai tersiat kulit kepala...ops..ok2...relax ainaa relax....mood swing ni adalah sejenis penyakit sebenarnya...yg generate from hypertension, bipolar disorder and unbalance hormones.....dan bila kita punya emosi tak stabil..akan memudaratkan badanb dan kesihatan kita mcm darah tinggi.kita jadi makan byk so jd obesiti dan sebagainya pn jadi takotlah...jadi sekarang...sempena new year dah berazam utk berubah !!!!!! sy berjanji akan CUBA utk ctrl kemarahan dan ego...i'll try my hardest...i promise ! smile always...itu yg sy akan cuba buat..YES !! heh..ter semangat lebih lepas ni...bila rasa2 nak marah...i'll count to 3...and smile..lantaklah org nk ckp gilos ke apa...yg penting...awet muda..heheheheh

ok..thats all


Saturday, December 11, 2010


TADAAAA !!!!!!

hehehe...ops ops...ini bukan gigi n mulut saya tau...sebab my lips is waaayyyy 'munggil'ier than this... :P but its gonna be real soon....this Wednesday to be exact !!! gosh im dem scared of how i will look like with braces...sekarang ni ala posh spice aka kim kardashian slash katy with braces mcm mana agaknya ye...? lets check out some celeb with braces on shall we...

misha omar...still glam with braces on....yg bling2 ada ke? hehe

america ferrara aka ugly betty....shes adorable..her blue colored braces is just fashionable? hehe

erkk?? Mr Cruise? ramai lagi celebrities who actually had braces on..ok lah tu...artis pn tak malu pakai braces...i yg diva ni pn kira ok lah pakai.hehhe...ok lah...we'll see how it goes on wednesday...i'll post the pic when i feel like it k...pray for me u guys...hope i wont look uglier than i already am...

eh cop cop...before that...what color shud i put on my braces for the very first time? im thinking pink...subtle pink...low profile dulu mula2...:P

from ugly beautiful smile :)...LETS HOPE !

current mode: nervous


Saturday, December 4, 2010


wuhuuuu !!!! we're planning to go to Spore this Christmas...its shopping time !!! finally i can use my own hard earned money to buy whatever that ive ever desire :) kachinggg !!! ok ok....tak payah la nk over excited sgt cik ainaa oi.....hotel pn belom book lagi..passport pn blom renew tape la....jom kita buat list of the things that i think i wanna buy....a smart shopaholic always prepare a list kan? heheheh ;p

1) handbags...i was thinking 2 wud be enuf??? one designer bag..another whatever that i like...or two designer bag? hmmm...we'll seee :P

2) shoes: im currently in pursue of finding myself a perfect working shoe and and my baby saw this one shoe once dkt charles n keith...n it was so dem tadek size !!!!! n dkt semua outlet pn dah hopefully i can find similar pattern.....yg ini kita tatau berapa nak..but pape la kan.. there's no limit for shoes kan? kan? kan?

3) jeans....yg ini my baby knows i'll leave it to him..hehhe

4) tops.....find as many as i cud....weeee....grab and go !!!!

5) dresses.?? shorts???

6) thinking of buying perfumes for my family and cute things dkt universal studios..

sebananya i just dunno what i wanna buy...sbb dah rambang mata....hehehe...kita tgk je la nanti ape yg sy beli k......weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!! singapore here i come !!!!

heheh..sket2 je la pix dulu..nanti dah pegi sendiri...baru lah letak gamba sendiri...over excited plak..mcm tapnah this time mcm super excited plak..demm..ok tape lahh....i'll update later....weeeee !!!!

to be cont


2011 is fast its time to check out what awaits me in the future...hehehhe :P

im a PISCES BABE !!!

2011 is a two-sided coin for Pisces! Looking ahead to the Pisces 2011 yearly horoscope, there will be major success when it comes to all matters not related to interpersonal relationships. Career, money and the desire to learn and grow will shape the first half of the year. The latter part of the Pisces 2011 yearly horoscope will require the effort and energy that got you to this place to begin with, but that’s okay. Pisces has never been afraid of hard work.

Pisces in 2011

Pisces 2011 Career and Income Horoscope

Your hard work has finally paid off, as you will surely see in your Pisces 2011 yearly horoscope . In the earlier part of the year, you will most likely see dividends on the effort you put forth from 2010. If you haven’t been laying any groundwork whatsoever, it doesn’t matter much. Luck is with you and in the earlier part of the year, it will feel like you just can’t lose. Everything’s falling into place and, in those moments where you think all if lost, something even better is in the works. Take advantage of this flourishing time in the first quarter of your Pisces 2011 yearly horoscope because after March, career and money will become a much more complex issue. Get ready to work harder because that lucky streak of big rewards with little effort will come to an end.

Pisces 2011 Love, Family and Social life Horoscope

As for family and friends, things are good. It will be a steady beginnning of comfort and familiarity but watch your step. In July, a certain relationship will get a little rocky. Use this time as a period to reevaluate. Is your friendship or relationship giving you what you need? If the answer is yes, then you need to take a look at what you’re giving in return. Problems are coming from somewhere. Take time to get to the root of the issue and work through it. Although there will be room for misunderstanding until September or October, it’s important to invest a little TLC where it matters. If things get rocky, listen to this Pisces 2011 yearly horoscope and make your relationships count.

Pisces 2011 Education and Traveling Horoscope

Full of vitality, you welcome all that life has to offer you in terms of education. After all, it was learning how to excel that brought you success in the first place. Your interest in learning will get stronger at the midpoint in the year, whereas the desire to travel will make sense during the stable and successful early months of Pisces 2011.


1. i am hardworking so its a relief to know that everything will be just fine

2. certain relation will be a lil bit rocky? .. its ok bubs...i know we'll gonna be alright..loveeeee you

3. travelling...weeeeee...finally !

characteristics of a Pisces babe:
1) sensitive : soooo dem trueeeeee
2) romantic : hehhe..tak tahulah...hanya my boboy yg tahu..wek !
3) kind and caring : welll....think so...heh
4) even-tempered : this is so not true...
5) friendly : also not true cz im super shy:P
6) adaptable : correcto !
7) ultra popular? hehheheheheh
8) easily seduced : gosh !! so cute food...dem !
9) over emotional : true again......hehehehe...cengeng !
10) rihanna pn pisces jgk !!!!!!!! hehhehe

ok dah


haaa....gempak tak title? dah lama tak update..tiba2 nk buat gempak plak...whatever. ok bukanlh nk cerita pasal filem will smith best kan cerita tu? touching...i nanges tau tgk cerita tu you...(tp cerita apa yg i tk nanges kan..heheh)..

oklah oklah...marilah kita mulakan cerita.......

semua org mesti ada cita2 kan? masa kita kecik..mcm2 cita2 nk jd doktor lah yg plg berapa ramai je yg dpt merealisasikan impian itu...?? itulah point yg sy cuba nak sampaikan dlm entry sy kali ini....inilah kisah sedihku..cewahh

saya mempunyai satu cita cita sahaja sejak kecil...iaitu menjadi seorg ARCHITECT. sy rasa semua org yg rapat dgn sy tahu akan fact bukanlah pandai melukis.atau pn kreatif sy pn tak tahu knp sy suka sgt nk jadi arkitek ni...angan angan sy utk pakai helmet color kuning/putih tu(tk surelah color ape yg arkitek pakai) rasa sgt cool bila boleh pakai menda alah tu sambil pegang2 kertas bersaiz A1 dkt site.and impian utk menyumbang satu building/sky scraper dkt tgh2 bandar metropolitan kl tu..dan dgn proudnya..tunjuk dkt anak2 sy..bangunan tu mummy la yg buat..hehhe..itulah impian sy...

tp...nasik sudah menjadi bubur..hanya kerana kelekaan terhadap keseronakan yg sementara dan kelalaian...semua impian saya tidak kesampaian dreams seems to be sleeping so far away...sedih plak(lap lap air mata yg bergenang..hehhe)

bila kita dah berkerja ckp jgn memilih kerja...kerja je lah apa yg ada....asalkn dpt itu ke yg kita nak kejar dlm hidup ni? i tot what matters the most is we have fun doing it...its not about money or pangkat.or kuasa or whatever yg org tua2 selalu akan rasa wooooowww...bgsnya anak dea...bila parent dea cte dkt kwn2 dea pasal anak dea....haishhh...

i always see myself as an independent young lady..i always know what i want in life..but i really hate making decisions..sbb sy dah biasa mama buatkan semuanya (so much of being independent ;p)

aik..mcm dah lari tajuk sendiri tatau ape yg sy nak cuba sampaikan..hehhe....tapi tak salahkn kalau kita nak mencuba sesuatu yg baru? something yg kita suka..walaupun sgt risky? mcm mana kita nak berjaya kalau kita tak berani nak amek risks kan?kalau kita sentiasa nak ikot apa yg org buat n nak puaskn hati org? nanti bila kita dah tua...kita mesti akan menyesal...kita mesti akan terfikir...menyesalnyaa lah tak buat...seperti sy nak jd arkiteklah...jd..kesimpulannya dah bertekad utk buat apa yg sy suka dlm hidup sy yg sementara di atas muka bumi Allah ni..i refuse to always making the right choices...sbb mcm mana kita nak tahu if its the right one or not kalau tiada mistakenya...btol tak?? ..i refuse to listen to any other voices except for my own...lantaklah org nak cakap ape pn..yg penting sy happy..walaupon decision tu mungkin plg stupid skali dlm dunia tahu sy takan menyesal...kerana sy hanya ikut kata hati...mcm idola sy miss Oprah Winfrey penah ckp...always listen to your first instinct...your first hmmmmm.....thanks Oprah :) sudah diterima masuk ke sebuah company yg sy dah lama idamkan....walaupun tak i know im one step closer to what i want in praying hard that im not doing any damage to my own life.... but whatever it is..i know im gonne be alright :)

current life motto: shuh shuh tu negative energiessss


Saturday, November 6, 2010



yg ni tamo buat 2 je boleh tak? nk buat byk2? cz its soooo cute !!!!

while im enjoying my work(right now)..friday is always the best doubt about it.

try to control my temper.but im not a push over k.

im madly and dangerously in love !!!! heart melt every time baby.

its getting harder and harder in life when mama is not trying my hardest to hold my tears in.

tp kadang2..i just couldn't hide it anymore. life right now is very much happy and great in every angle.and im surrounded by people who live me the most..but there's always a part of me who just need to be alone and cry.



1. the scent....i secretly love this one scent..but i dont know what it is...ive been searching all over for this particular scent...i only smell this scent twice..first is from this guy(only the scent was good) and 2nd when i was watching michael jackson this is it at pavvy (my dream guy is somewhere in there !!!) believe it or not..this scent (not sure if its perfume or whatever) somehow have the power to make me jumping on my seat (tak senang duduk)...and h***y...heheheheh ;p tp coz 'my secret scent' seems impossible to find...i prefer masculine and the smell that org boleh bau dr jaoh i like my man to be bold and shows how confident he is and of course how well kept and neat the person is..lgpon bau dea bole lekat dkt my whenever i miss him...i can just sniff it from my clothes..awwwwww ~~~~

2. some one who looks at me and smile...i caught a few doing this (including mr boyfriend)...i think it is so the person really is sincere and proud to be sitting with tatau la plak if dea senyum cz ade terselit cili ke ape kan..hahhahhaha....

3. wish me good morning and good night every is shows that i am the first and last thing/person he remembers every day. if dea tk msg or call the whole day pon long as hari dea call me in the morning b4 siap2 pi keja and b4 tdo...i will make my day...i'll be smiling the whole day....(attention to mr boyfriend)........

ok..thats all.....ade la other small2 stuff like hold my hand when im nervous or sad or whatever without me asking for it...share food with me stuff...bla bla bla...bye !



ouhh..ive got plenty of these.....ideas dtg mencurah curah...heh...entry below is not by rank k.

1. bragging ( gosh ! perlu ke....)..this activity or syndrome usually done ade jugak yg directly je berlagak.bajet bagus..pfffttt !

2. talk with mouthful of comment...tersembur la babe !

3. i have to pay for every single thing....come on a gentleman pls.

4. smoking like nobody's business.....(due to my sensitive nose)..i dont mind berpada pada lah...spray la ke arah lain...n also spiters !!! euuuwwww !!!!!!!!!

ada byk lagi ... tp cukup lah tu...kang andartu pulak..hehehhe


5 people who means a lot to me

1. mama n ayah
2. mohd khairil nizam a.k.a mr you bubs !
3. my sisters....annoying
4. the girls... you know who you are
5. ........isi tempat kosong lah ek...... ;p

Thursday, October 7, 2010


six things that i wish i had never done !

1) i had never give up on becoming an architect..i shud just quit uia..n apply somewhere that i could be an was my dream....n i blew it...biggest mistake of my life....!! it was my dream since i was a lil girl....seriously...ainaa bongok !

2) i shud have never compromise on my believes for anything especially for money... n being a unit trust consultant was my stupidest most humiliating thing ive ever done...though i admit that i cud and i CAN be a millionaire with it...but i seriously hate it....with all due respect MLM sucks ! i hate it with all my heart from the very beginning..yet...i join unit trust??? goshh..tak worth it pn if i jd i hate what im doing...seriously...wasting my time..n kacau my plans

3) talk bad things about people even when i hate them so much !

4) main2 mase dkt MRSM dulu....kalau tk mesti dah dkt jeles seeing my frens ... n mase dkt uia pn spatotnya blaja btol2 jgk... once again ainaa bongok !

5) confess to this certain someone that i like him..bodoh ! bkn hensem pn that lose !!!!

6) finally..i shud have stayed at the hospital :(

oklah..itulah i truely understang what it really means when someone said you can never turn back time....

Saturday, October 2, 2010


7 things that cross my mind a lot

1) MR.boyfriend...what my bubu is doing? dah bgn ke? dh mkn ke? baby alright tak? etc..

2) when am i going to be rich? hehe

3) aku ni cantik ke? hahahahhahahaha

4) mama.............................

5) am i fat? i have to exercise.....!!!!!

6) lapaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

7) eh...i have to shop ;p

ok...thats all.....


Friday, October 1, 2010


8 ways to win my HEART

lets pretend like there are hundreds of men who are heads over hills for me ? even though, i need some reality check kan? case la kalau ade young billionaire yg interested nk ngorat i take note k....tick tick tick ! btw.. ini tak ikot terutan tau.

1) x romantic(geli) but sweet enough to make me melt (example: surprise me with something la i love surpises plus to make the hotness alive...wink !)

2) rambut pendek plsss......botak pn takesah...

3) always puts me first in mind before anything else....n i mean WHATEVER....!

4) give me some air to breath....let me do stuff that i like...wont do stuff that i dont like...

5) tanak i wont feel safe nanti...heh

6) always support me through everything even though im wrong...

7) never embarrass me infront of my friend or his friend...n if my friend or his friend do something bad to me( kutuk ke whatever)..always stood up for me...

8) im a material girl..aik aik aik..jgn tpu ckp korg tk ek.... tp tak perlu la kaya raya sgt(its a plus billionaires.hyeee...heheeh) ...cukup la nk tanggung mkn minom i was raised with one principal..n i only knw n live with that principle....A WOMEN'S MONEY IS HERS...AND THE HUSBAND'S MONEY IS ALSO HERS.......

ok lah..itu saje.....of course MR. BOYFRIEND passed majority of the ade la certain areas that you need to work harder on baby boy !!! u..


Tuesday, September 28, 2010



1) very sensitive person and easily annoyed

2) compulsive shopper (i buy everything)

3) i sometime wished i'm a superstar/supermodel/married to a superhot billionaire who love me.

4) love the smell of bakery shop and mr.boyfriend's natural odor

5) love ayam, sotong, marukku, kerepek, rendang, teh o ais

6) hate the smell of telur kuning

7) people might not know this. but i judge people based on 1st impression and their shoes n bags. (might sound mengada. tp thats the fact cz i'll knw straight away a person's personality just by looking at their shoes n bags. trust setakat ni sy tapenah lg tersalah.)

8) i cant keep secret.... who does?? don't trust me

9) love to sing and dance ( just ask my lil hyppo dkt know who you are ;P)


Thursday, September 23, 2010

game ON !

haluuuuuuuu peepss ~

so the game supposedly started yesterday...but because of my will start 2day...its my rules..besides...nobody's reading pn agaknya...hehehhe =p

ok lets start~ GAME ON !

(Q: ten things i wanna say to ten different people)

AYAH: i never said this. but I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU'LL EVER KNOW.

MAMA: if i knew what i know i wish i've stayed at the hospital with you more.

EPA: kenapa bila blk rumah lmbt kena berlakon pegi straight to the kitchen? hahhahaha

ELA: pls stop being such a drama queen...nobody's watching you...just be yourself...durhhh ~


Mr.B: can you pls stop building up muscle?? dah tak muat dah i nak hug..heheh n you know what im thinking teddy bear...wink wink !! =)

DYA: your thigh is not big !!!!!

FARAH: you're such a jeles lah

PTPTN: i don't wanna pay !!!!

POLITICIANS: pls pls pls pls stop with all that stupid nonsense...irritating laaa...thats why
people don't vote tahu tak?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


hello hello.....first of all .. SELAMAT HARI RAYA !! maaf zahir batin kepada everyone...hows raya? mesti bes kan? mine was ok...but i've had better :( ... so sy mls nk update gamba raya ke ape ... next year lah ok? sy letak laa satu pix k..just org ckp nk amek feel raya kan..hehhee...

.my family.
sitting on sofa: me.ayah.epa
sitting on lantai: ela. eda
heaven: mama :)

.my small family.

takan putus tali persaudaraan =)

ok lah..enuff bout raya...disebabkn sy rasa my last topic was quite boring and i've decided to do something different lah sket..just to challenge myself .... i've read somewhere pasal menda ni...n i think its quite sy pn nk buat jgklah...maklumlaa...lain org.lain ceritanya...mine may not be as interesting as others nya just for the sake of nk buat something for the game goes like this...i will update my blog everyday for the next ten days according to these topics.....

day 1: ten things i want to say to ten different people

day 2: nine things about myself

day 3: eight ways to win my heart

day 4: seven things that cross my mind a lot

day 5: six things that you wish you had never done

day 6: five people who means a lot to you

day 7: four turn offs

day 8: three turn ons

day 9: two smileys that describe my life right now

day 10: one confession itu lah basically yg i will write in my blog for the next 10 10 will be the toughest im sure...but what the heck !!! see ya tomorrow..

oh btw...tonite i will be upgrading my blog....some renovation la...yelaakann..dah nama pn hari raya...takan langsir n sofa je pn kena la baru jugak..heheh..ok cya !!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


~fairy tales ~
takes us on cloud nine..waking up when kissed by a handsome prince..get rich..happily ever after

best kan bgn2 tdo je tiba-tiba! alamak prince ! mmg buat malu je la.coz in real life.everybody sleeps in kaftan, air liur basi.rambut selekeh.some of us even fart ! (jgn tpu pls ! beyonce pn selekeh kot time tdo..durh !)..prince pn tk lalu nk kiss..hehehheeh..

but not here to talk or write about fairy tales..but i wanna talk about SLEEP.topik ini sgt sesuai sbb currently i am a professional sleeper =p org ckp "jgn tdo la...buang masa" hellooo !!!! do you know that by sleeping our body is bukan la buang kte sbenanya tak tdo..get it? heh.ok la.maleh nk baca la k..ENJOY !

well, they don't call it beauty sleep for no reason. here's HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR SLEEP..


Apparently, your body cant settle down when it is trying to digest food.
alaaaaaaa!!!! bad news for those who love snacking especially bila tgk tv or membaca(konon =p).tk logik kan tgk tv tk munch? mane nk dpt feel nye..hish !
*remedy= if you love your evening snack, consider a glass of hot milk, choco or tea. these stuff can actually sooth your body down..mcm calming effect mcm tu la..


so when was the last time you bought a new pillow? mesti dah lamaaaa gila kan ! kdg2 malaysian ni(from my observation) smpi bantal tu dah terkoyak.isi perut dea terkeluar pn tnk beli br lg.siap jahit blk pulak tu..hish ! research has shown 85% people sleeps better with a new try it ! cuba tuka pillow baru..conform tdo lena punyaaaaaa..


Due to the fact that they have the poorest circulation, the feet often feel cold before the rest of the body. A study has shown that this reduces night wakings


mmg la susah kan? tp this is the best way....sbb Our systems, particularly the adrenals, do a majority of their recharging or recovering during the hours of 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. so if you letak ubat jerawat b4 tdo..but u sleep at 1am..ubat jerawat tu takan berkesan pn...jdnya if kena stay up ke ape...better tdo la dulu..then bgn la blk..


biasanya dlm bilik tido mesti ada jam kan? tp sepatotnya jam tyh ade pn dlm alarm clock kena la ada..just letak mcm jam tu pandang ke arah lain ke ape..bila ada jam..our body akan automatic mcm ckp kena your sleep akan jadi mcm tido tido ayam je laa...

byk lagi dh malas nk type..coz *myboss is calling me..heheheh
*myboss = my katil =p


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Anger Management

.hye eveybody.

.my name is Nur Ainaa.

.and i have an anger management problem.

everybody: hye ainaaaaaaaa ~

counselor: ok ainaa. share with us whats been bothering you

ainaa: i get angry very easily

counselor: understood.....explain more plss

ainaa: i am a very sensitive person, so thats why i tend to get angry or stress up whenever things doesn't go the way i wanted it to be.especially with people who i care and love the most.

counselor: can you give us an example ?

ainaa: i can give you hundreds of example, coz i get angry almost every single day. for example, my boyfriend was mad at me and it is obviously my fault (i think). but i yelled at him, and even cursed him at some point and i accidentally hit him. ;(

everybody: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~~

ainaa: i know......i felt so bad..but because i feel bad..i didn't apologize...but i intentionally be moody for like the next couple of days. just to get his attention...i bug him when hes with his friends. i bug him when hes sleeping and so i came to my senses...coz he's just being cool...i now came to realize that he's just being angry with me because of im sorry...i know that you have your limits..n its my fault for keep on provoking you...i know you love me..and i hope u know that i love you too so much !

counselor: its a good sign when you realized it yourself. is your boyfriend the one person that you get angry with? whats the most hurtful thing you've encountered in your life?

ainaa: no.i am angry with everyone. and its not like i didn't try.i've tried my best to control my emotion. trust me.i've tried so bad...but you i heart is soooo fragile..i don't like when people do things that hurts me..coz ive been hurt like many times...and my mom is not here with me anymore.usually, when people do bad things to me. i'll talk to her. and it calms me down.but now..i just go to my boyfriend but its never the same.when my mom passed away. she took half of my hurt me so bad. i don't know who to blame. who to go to.

counselor: you missing your mom is the reason for your problem. anger is the way you protect yourself. you don't want to get hurt coz you've experienced the most hurtful things in your life. and you go to your boyfriend but whatever he does never satisfies you because you was hoping the same outcome as when you talk to your mom. your heart is cries easily..thats because you don't cry your heart out when your mom left you. you were shocked and taken off guard by it.

ainaa: hmmmm ~ sobbing ~

counselor: there's many way to talk to your mom. you're a to her through your prayer.or you can just write it down.she's around you know.shes always around you.but you can't see her. as you write everything down..your anger or sadness will be transfered to the paper. as for your boyfriend. don't be too harsh on him. try to be nice and talk nicely even when you guys are arguing. its never a good thing when fire meets with fire. do you understand ainaa?

ainaa: yes..i understand.. i promise to change. i promise to be more calm. i promise to try harder.

everybody: good ainaa...we're proud of you...

ainaa: =)

*the conversation is just between me and myself ;P hehehehe