I didnt knw that its gonna be a long holiday weekend this week.so i didnt make any plans.so i was at home the whole holiday.baring2.makan2.tgk tv.tdo n tdo n tdo.was nice to be able to catch up on myself.happy me ;)
so when i was all alone at home.i did some self examine (hehe.bkm lah belek2 badan sendiri.bt i do love to do that as well).i found that i am such a negative-angry-easily gv up-selfdoubting-uptight girl. I found myself complaining at almost everythg.or easily being angry at somethg.or overly sensitive.
U realize that i hv let plenty of great opportunities flown by me just like that just cos im too lazy or to scared of what the outcome might be.im too scared of what people might say if i fail.
Ok whatever.my point is.since its maal hijrah.a new year for muslims.i want to try n change my self for a better person.i wanna be able to enjoy what im doing.i wanna be a happy growing woman.enjoy life as it is.not too caught up with material stuff.prioritize whats important.be nice to people even when they r rude.always smile cos i learned that your smile can help make other people's day.so i will do just that.
Hehe.inspirational much ainaa !!
Baby steps is better then nothing right? So if korg nmpk sy marah2 or complain.pls remind me that im a different persom nw.lets remind each other to smile n make the world or at least our surrounding a better place to live !!!
Love !
Monday, November 28, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Bimbo much !
today ive decided to talk about cars. i am not interested in cars. i hate to drive.but i am impatient enough to have a driver (n not that freakin' rich to hire one) cos i knw i cant rely on people to e punctual...urghhhhh...!!!! my car is killing me softly !!! i am stressed out !! ok..to get you into a clearer picture.ive prepared a list of why i hat cars...
1) i do not knw a thing about car ! all i knw is i want to drive a fancy car one day.but thats it.i dont want to hv to go and wash it.i dont want to hv to go n put gas every weekend.pump the tires.send the car for service and worst of it all ...have to deal with accident !! i mean..i am a great drivern all (n proud of that) but its all the other drivers around me that i dont trust ! come on people !! eyes on the road idiots ! n when u hit somebody...BE NICE !! urghh..malaysian !
2) i hv car for ME ! not to be a driver to someone else freak! i mean...come on..i am not stingy or too proud or cocky to hv people tumpang..besides..i always love using my car if i hv plan wif my frens (cos again i dont like to follow n wait on people..i am a leader.not a follower :p) ..but plsss....use ur head..common sense.wud u like waiting for people whos actually asking for ur favor? late is one thing..then dragging me along like i hv nothing better to do..janji tmpt lain..then tuka last minit.or choose tmpt that only convenient to you.alasan.."myk mahal".."tk tahu jalan".."tk biasa drive jauh".."jam"..hek elehhhh !!!!!!!!!!! habis what am i? i am driving a helicopter that i dont hv to go thru traffic jam? or am i printing money at my house that my myk is not mahal? tk biasa drive jauh?? errkkk..hellloooo.....if boyfriend you ckp."errr,...yang.....jom la dtg sini....." wud u suddenly knw the road and biasa jalan jauh?? pfftttt....i am not selfish...i can deal wif going anywhere cos i love hanging out wif my friends and catch up..if i can do it n sacrifise..why cant you??
3) everytime pegi bengkel mesti kena tipu...arghh...i dont speak cars or any languages those mechanics were using.plus every time i went to a workshop.all they see is this bimbo who doesn't knw a thing.thats true.but jgn la amek kesempatan.i knw ure running a business.tp jgn la over sgt.geram lahhhhh..u knw what abang mechanics ! everytime u repair my car.then i realised that ive been screwed.u knw tht it messes wif my head.i look down to myself cos i cant be independent n take care of a simple piece of machine..so pls.next time..dont mess wif my head !!
ok tu jeee....i love my car..cos it holds a lot of memories..memories that cant be replaced.im just not ready to get a new one.thats why it tore my heart out everytime something's wrong wif it.especially when its not my fault !!!
plus my car has been loyal to me...she is my best buds ! (she? omg !! im crazy dont i?)
ok dah...lega rasanya...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Mumtaz Nan
do you guys know what Mumtaz Nan is? what?!! semua orang tahu?!!! deymm ! rasa macam tinggal dekat dalam gua lah pulak.sorry la.saya mmg jarang keluar.maklumlaaa anak dara...kena la jaga diri :p
unlike Mr. Boyfriend yang almost every night akan keluar melepak dengan kawan2 dia at the same old spot..lagi lah boring kan? hari hari keluar tapi pegi tmpt sama je...baik duduk rumah.lagiii best !
nak dijadikan cerita yang menarik...Mr.Boyfriend ni stop for a break from his fixie ride (yup ! basikal tu laaa...ntah pape kan main basikal tengah2 malam..basikal pn boleh jadi trend...sighhh~~) ..Mr Boyfriend dan kawan2 nya singgah dkt Mohsin ttdi. Mr.Boyfriend pn discover lah Mumtaz Nan. sebagai kekasih yang prihatin dan sangat sweet..dia tros bbm saya utk menceritakan tentang his discovery (sebenarnya saya yang non stop bbm dia )...so the other day, sekali lagi untuk membuktikan yang dia adalah kekasih yang sangat penyayang dan tak mahu girlfriend dia terleft out dari dunia luar. Mr Macho pun bawa saya pergi ke Mohsin
mula2 mcm tadek lah berminat sgt nak order menda alah tu..tp sbb tamo la kecewakan Mr Macho...saya pn order lah Mumtaz Nan...lama jugak lah nak tggu food tu siap........
ok laaa...mesti korang menyampah je kan...dalam hati korang mesti korang ckp.."eee..jakunnya budak ni...menda ni pn tatau apa ke?" ..tihihih...yelaaa..kitew baru tawuuu ....kitew org kampung jewwww.....
tapi mmg sedap tau korang....definitely a must try !! go check it out peeps !!
kesimpulan dari cerita ini adalah.once again Mr.Boyfriend telah membuktikan yang tempat makan yang dia bawak semuanya bestt..dan tempat makan that i chose sucks big time -_-"
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Spaghetti Nite
after munching a whole lot of kepeks...its finally time for dinner. my big sissy is quite good in cooking (i just had to say this otherwise no one else would cook for me :p)..i can give her thumbs up for her mee goreng and ayam masak merah but her egg sandwich is yeckyy !!! tihtihihihih
ini adelah slices of hotdogs + minced chicken meat yang telah dimasak sekejap dgn sedikit minyak...tihihih..macam expert lah pulak rasanya :p
setelah masukkan semua bahan2 yg telah dipotong tadi + tomato sauce + etc (tak igt ape dahh)..mana bole bagitau
\ semuaaaaa !!!! kedekut ilmu tauuu....
TADAAAA !!!!! inilah hasilnyaaa...nmpk mcm dkt hotel kan..hehe..nampak tk portion dia sket je..well itu sbb saya on diet..durrhhh....my bluehyppo ate like theres no tomorrow so i guess it was good..

anda mesti tertanya tanya mana pegi bluehyppo yg ikut tadi kan? dia ade kat tepi saya..tp like always..dia buat buat pandang tepi n buat2 bkn dtg dgn saya...typical her ! bila org tgh malu dia buat2 tak knall...urghh !! tk membantu langsung..kata masterchef..pfffttt~~ abang tu pn satu..boleh dia tanya soalan yang macam2..i mean do i look like i know how to cut a chicken? durhhh...malu jekkk...bistu dia nak senyum2 sinis plak..hek ellehhhh....!!
so malam ni ive decided to help her out in the kitchen cos ive always wanted to know how to make spaghetti. Mr. Boyfriend pn dah bising pasal dia tak habis2 nak tau mcm mana nk buat spaghetti..urghh..annoying much !!!! guys and their big stomach !
kitewww tlg potong2 sikit2 je...tp ok lah dari tadek buat apa langsung ye tak? di bawah adelah a few pics yg sempat di ambil sbb takut la hangus ke apa ke kan time tgh gaul2 tu...
tp kan tgh2 syok potong. tiba2 terpotong kuku la plaks...tihihihihi...so kena la buang half of the tomatoes cos takut la termakan kuku pulokss...kesian kuku kitewwww..semuanya sbb my sis dah sound suro potong cepat sikit...all her fault !! mana boleh kacau artist at work...ntah pape !

\ semuaaaaa !!!! kedekut ilmu tauuu....

pengajaran yang saya dapat pada sesi masak masak hari ini adalah..cooking is not that hard..minus the yecky part like handling the raw fish/meat/chicken etc...sebut pasal bahan basah ni...semalam my big sis (literally big ! muahahahhaha) asked me to go to pasar malam n beli ayam mentah..what ??!!!!!! tp menjadi seorg adik yg baik dan comel lotey..saya pn pegi lah jugak dengan my bluehyppo...kami pon jumpa la abang jual ayam di kedainya...conversation adelah seperti berikut:
abang ayam: ye dik?
saya: bang, saya nak ayam satu
abang ayam: (sambil raba-raba ayam on display) yang mana dik?
saya: saya nk yg kecik je ek.
abang ayam: nak potong?
saya: ha, nak nak.
abang ayam: nak potong mcm mana?
saya: ??????!!!!!! (blank mode)
abang ayam: kecik2?
saya: ha boleh la kot..
abang ayam tu pn potong la ayam tu dgn rakus nya...
anda mesti tertanya tanya mana pegi bluehyppo yg ikut tadi kan? dia ade kat tepi saya..tp like always..dia buat buat pandang tepi n buat2 bkn dtg dgn saya...typical her ! bila org tgh malu dia buat2 tak knall...urghh !! tk membantu langsung..kata masterchef..pfffttt~~ abang tu pn satu..boleh dia tanya soalan yang macam2..i mean do i look like i know how to cut a chicken? durhhh...malu jekkk...bistu dia nak senyum2 sinis plak..hek ellehhhh....!!
ehem ehem...walaupon saya tak tau masak..but i think i make the best scramble egg in the world !!! tihihihih :p
ok thats all..have fun cooking everyone !!
Snack up my tummy
after raya mcm ni, apa lagi.kuih raya bertimbun timbun tk dimkn.as for me. sy tk suka makan kuih raya sgt. i prefer snacks like marukku n any type of kepeks...i wont go for kuih raya unless they look real tasty...
these 2 are my current snacks
homemade honey cornflakes. my sis made it. crunchy n sweet..slrrppp
ok babes...thats all for now. LETS GET CRAZY FAT N MUNCH !!!!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Long Holidayyyy
Selamat Hari Raya everyone !!! how was ur raya? mine was just ok.im on holiday for another week so im gonna make it count !
my weekends for the whole month are fully booked for open houses n weddings....wedding....sighhhhh~~~ which means more food food n food..but ive decided to control my appetite to be petite !!! so that i can fit into this new dress i bought...grrrrr~~~~
k everyone..have a great week ahead n be safe
Monday, August 22, 2011
Raya Cleaning
haaaatttttccchhhhuuuuummmmmmmm !!!!!! (sneezing is people with sinus fav. past time ;p)
ha kan dah ckp ade lg...2 boxes of trash n ruined handbags...sedih nk buang tp terpaksa.cos dah crowded sgt dah bilik tu.n i want to make room for new handbags :p
this bag is from Mr.Boyfriend.he bought this when he went to Indonesia.ntah pape je bag dia kasi..tp tape lah..time tu baru2 je kaple.so takan tros nk kasi bag mahal2..kan baby? tihihii..tp bag ni dah berjasa for few years carrying my notes and files masa study dlu..tgk lah.smpi putus ok tali dia...thank you for ur service dia bag ! u sacrifice urself for me :p
tadaaa!!! ni dah siap mandi n tggu nk berbuka selepas kepenatan...erkkk!!! yelaa yelaaa...sama je sebenarnya time busuk n wangii...biarlahh nk perasan sorg2 konon2 mcm cinderella..mula2 mcm org gaji pastu jadi mcm princess...sebokk jee !!!!!!
because Raya is just around the corner its only normal for people to start cleaning their household.same goes to me.i wud not say that im a neat freak cos im totally not ! (selekeh) ...but im a control freak.meaning that im the only one who can make all the mess i want cos at the end of the day i'll always know where i put every single thing.i don't mind sharing stuff as long as they are there whenever i want to use them (dah amek pandai2 lah letak tempat dia blk !!) tp biasa lah..bila kita ada siblings and semua perempuan pulak tu...tak peliklah sgt bila brg2 selalu hilang...arghhhhh !!!!! tension !!!!!!!
sebagai contoh..over the years ive developed a hobby which is collecting comb.mana2 pegi kalau nmpk sikat.mesti nk beli..bknnye apa..konon2 bila ade sikat best..bila nk blow rambut ..rambut jadi la cantik..tp sebenarnya sama je...pffftttt~~~ jadi...bila2 sikat hilang...sy akan jadi marah..cos dkt dlm rumah ni..sbb my sisters tau sy ni byk sikat..diorg mmg tak beli la sikat..dtg my room je guna..tp kalau guna dlm bilik je tape la jgk..ni bwk ntah kemana mana...tau2 je dah hilang la..patah la...arghhhh ! tension lg..! tp nowadays diorg dah paham my weirdness..so dorg dah ade their own comb..tihihihihihi....

inilah tempat sikat2 sy disimpan.kat sini ada 8.sbb byk yg dah hilang n rosak.my current fav is brush number 4.awwww~~ i love you too sikat.
ok dah melalut byk pulak...sebenarnya nk cerita pasal kemas bilik tadi.hehe..ok so. i have a spring cleaning session last weekend after my light exercise routine.i am such a hoarder that i kept everything and get attached with a lot of things..semua benda konon2 ade sentimental value.tp sebenarnya tapnah tgk pn smpi berhabuk n dah kena gigit lipas semua..yeks !!!
masa kemas2 tu...biasalah..byk benda yg jumpa yg selama ni tapnah igt pn.tp bila tgk blk mcm..awwwwww~~~~~~~ so sweetttt!!!! konon2 syg nk buang..pffttt...so ive toughen myself up n get rid of stuff that i dont really need anymore.

tadaaa !!! inilah hasilnyaa....bags of unneeded stuff. ini just a few yg dah di angkut keluar bilik sikit..dlm bilik ada lg byk..gosh !!!

masa kemas2 tong bag ni...terjumpa la several bag yg mcm nk nangis bila tgk blk...contohnyaaaa..

this bag is my last bday present from my mom...ok dah tamo ckp dah..type ni pn dah meleleh dah air mata...demmit ainaa!!! NEXT !!

byk sgt benda nk dikemaskan..smpi tak larat...part handbag je dah half day..sgt penat !!!! so my shoe section has to wait.

BUSUK selepas berkemas..yekkksss!!!!

ok ... have a nice day everyone !!!!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Happy Ramadhan
Hi all !
pengat pisang (tp my fav is yg dkt nasi dagang ulik mayang) and kuih sagu (me n my sisters ate it till the bowl is clean)
sup daging cicah roti...this one is not nice but my dad's is the best !!!!!!!!!!!..ops termenjerit pulak ;P
Ramadhan is almost over !! in just a blink of an eye we are now in the final week of Ramadhan...cepatkan? how time flies~ hope everybody is taking as much advantage of the Holy month.(Preach !! well..everyone has got to do their part in some ways right? ;P)
dkt malaysia ni..bila ade apa2 occasions/festivities/celebration/event...makanan mesti nombor 1 dlm thing to do list..Yep ! its a known FACT that us Malaysians loooovvveeeee our foods (well...not only our food to be exact...we also love Japanese,Korean, Thai Cuisine, Indonesian, Indian...the list goes on forever !!) ..jadi mmg tak hairan or magic sgtlah bila dtg je bulan puasa Malaysia ni dah jadi mcm food festival lah plak...dkt semua tmpt ade banner besar2 promoting lavish buffets/promotions...hellooo..sebulan b4 puasa pn dh mcm2 promo keluar...
so being a fat me (I LOVE FOOD !!...fuuhhh!! leganya dpt jerit mcm tu) ...benda plg excited skali masa bulan puasa is going to the bazaar..or youngsters nowadays mengada nak tuka nama jadi PARAM/BARAM (pasar ramdhan/bazar ramdhan)..gila gedik kan? semua pn nk catchy..pffttt~~~....sy suka pegi bazaar pn bukan la sbb apa...sbb nk rasa meriah tu sket...tihihihih.
the best bazaar for me is definitely Taman Melawati's ! best sbb a few reasonss:
1) ramai artis..sbb tu la ramai org pegi bazaar siap make with bulu mata palsu n baju fancy2..wakakaka
2) bersih la sikit compared to other bazaar sites...not bad laa for such a chaotic place kan.
3) the food is quiet nice...well..bkn semua la cos ade byk je gerai owner yg sebanarnya tarei masak..tp bulan puasa dia jadi chef plak...ade satu yg best...gerai pakcik tempoyak !! fuuhhhh!!! sedapnyeee....ive never tasted gulai sambal tempoyak before n it was meletuppsss!!! thanks to Mr.Boyfriend...cos dia yg sebok cari from 1st day puasa...last year dia dah pnah makan..so this year cari lgi..1st week pegi pakcik tu tadek (sad+dissapointed)...2nd week dia dah ade..so Mr.Boyfriend pn mkn la dgn lahapnya.sampai peluh2 hidung...(happy)..
ok lah...malas la nk bebel panjang2 pasal makanan ni...sy jadi lapar lah pulak..so attached below is a few pictures of food yg sempat di captured (byk tk sempat cos lapar gilos !!)...sila droolllll~~~~
ok..kita start dgn kuih muih dulu k...

choc cake, sponge cake n the must have n best eat while chill, kuih pelita (gonna get one after this..argghhh!!)
sekarang mulut dah manis....kita hidangkan makanan berat pulak ye....

sy punya yg bwh with sotong..Mr.Boyfriend's yg atas with udang n his fav kerabu sayur..usually nasik sy akan diciluk separuh oleh abang badang kita,,tihihi....

nasi beriani ayam merah.bought at bazaar tmn melawati..femes nasik ni..sbb pukul 5.30 dia dah kemas2 dah..the taste is not bad..

skg dah kenyang...kita cuci mulut n rehatkan perut dgn....
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
im back !!!
haluuuuuuu....hellloooooooo.....yuhuuuu.....anybody there??? ...durhh ainaa..like anybody's reading your blog? ..... doink!!! anyhow...im back...cos i felt like my time need better use. besides...since my work either requires me to talk n mingle with old people or sitting in front of the computer n finish up reports for days or dealing with local authorities which were always on my nerves. i need to channel my thoughts, anger, sadness, happiness or simply just talking (or in this case typing) to myself so that my insanity is intact.
so for the past few months..ive developed new interest...which involves a lot of pictures or cam-whoring.. i'll post and update later when i feel like talking again ya..
as for now... im off to sleep.
Friday, January 28, 2011
hello fellow readers.so today im a lil bit emo.so bare with me.or just dont read.
Mama thank you for who I am, thank you for all the things I'm not
Forgive me for the words unsaid for the times I forgot
Mama remember all my life you showed me love, you sacrificed
Think of those young and early days how I've changed along the way
(Along the way)
And I know you believed and I know you had dreams
And I'm sorry it took all this time to see
That I am where I am because of your truth
And I miss you, yeah I miss you
Mama forgive the times you cried, forgive me for not making right
All of the storms I may have caused and I've been wrong dry your eyes
Dry your eyes
'Cause I know you believed and I know you had dreams
And I'm sorry it took all this time to see
That I am where I am because of your truth
And I miss you, I miss you
Mama I hope this makes you smile, I hope you're happy with my life
At peace with every choice I made how I've changed along the way
'Cause I know you believed in all of my dreams
And I owe it all to you , mama
Forgive me for the words unsaid for the times I forgot
Mama remember all my life you showed me love, you sacrificed
Think of those young and early days how I've changed along the way
(Along the way)
And I know you believed and I know you had dreams
And I'm sorry it took all this time to see
That I am where I am because of your truth
And I miss you, yeah I miss you
Mama forgive the times you cried, forgive me for not making right
All of the storms I may have caused and I've been wrong dry your eyes
Dry your eyes
'Cause I know you believed and I know you had dreams
And I'm sorry it took all this time to see
That I am where I am because of your truth
And I miss you, I miss you
Mama I hope this makes you smile, I hope you're happy with my life
At peace with every choice I made how I've changed along the way
'Cause I know you believed in all of my dreams
And I owe it all to you , mama
.angah need n miss you mama.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Penyiul Jalanan
holla peeps !! lama pulak rasanya tak update blog ye.nak kate busy tadelah busy mane pong.tp dah mmg sifat semulajadi tu pemalas.ini lah jadinya.hehehe :p
.this is me.
eh lari topik pulak.tajuk Penyiul Jalanan adalah sgt bersesuaian dgn luahan hati saya kali ini.heh.sy pasti bukan sy seorg saja yg melalui benda ni.tp ramai atau semua girls akan atau pernah melaluinya jugak.
situasi 1: jalan2 then akan ada suara2 sumbang dkt tepi2 jalan yg akan didengari.ayat2 yg biasa akan diutarakan adalah.."kak sorg je ke?".."kak nama sy ali/dol/karim"..."kak buat apa tu?"..."kak nak number telepon boleh?" ..."pheewwwitt!!" dan sebagainya.
dlm hati saya: helllllooooo!!!! bila pulak sy jadi kakak korg ni????
situasi 2: tgh drive.ada traffik light.so stop.nyanyi2 sambil berangan sorg2..lalalala...pandang tepi.woopss! ada keta sebalah yg dah siap bukak tingkap.senyum2 kambing.angkat2 kening.
dlm hati sy: gelilahhhhh !!!!!!! cpt la lampu hijau !!!!!
haa...kan? kan? sy bukanlah perasan cantik ke apa.tp manis tu adalah.hehe.tp mmg itulah mendanya.annoyingkan girls?? pffttt.sy pn tak paham lah knp dorg ni suka buat aktiviti tidak berfaedah mcm ni.penah ke ade org mengorat guna teknik dan tektik ni n dpt awek?? kalau chuck bass ngorat wisel2 tepi jalan pon sy takan pandang kot...hish...apelah lah dorg ni..pelik lah sayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!
sy tak nafikan mmg susah jadi lelaki ni.cos kerja2 nak mengorat ni mmg bukannya senang kan? ia memerlukan keyakinan yg sgt tinggi.merendahkan diri serendah rendahnya.hanya utk berkenalan dgn seorg gadis idaman.cewah ! . but common ! show some effort.korg ni pon.setakat bersidai tepi beranda mall sambil pakai shade bagai.bistu nk pewit pewit pulak.ape lah korg ni.maybe korg kena beli buku ni kot...
tpkan haritu adalah org mencuba cubaan yg menarik sikit.dkt traffik lite.seperti biasa sy tgh berangan ckp sorg2.pandang tepi.woopss ! kereta myvi yg isinya ada 4 jejaka dan mereka semua memandang ke arah keretaku.maybe sbb air brush yg sgt unik pada kereta sy.hehe.so sy buat la tatau.rapat2 sket dgn keta depan supaya tk nmpk keta sebelah sgt.lampu pn dah hijau then tiba2 kereta tu melintas ke depan kereta sy.sy pn mcm hek eleh ! nak melintas rupanya dorg ni.so sy pn bagi je lah supaya sy tyh nk rasa awkwardness ada org pandang2 kat sebelah.tp tak sempat la nak melepasi traffik lite tu cos dkt greenwood tu mmg mcm tu.traffic lite yg plg lama !!!!! so here i am stuck dkt ctu lagi.keta myvi tadi ade btol2 didepan keta sy.sy pn boring.sy pn main hp (tgh stop tape kan?) . then pandang depan blk . WOW !!! teka apa sy nmpk.malu la nak cita.hehehe.ok lah cita jugak lah.dekat belakang cermin keta dorg kan.dorg tampal notes.
.notes dia lebih kurang mcm ni lah.yg ni sy tulis sendiri pakai paint.dorg pakai kertas sampul surat.
kreatifkan? tp tade ape jadi pn.sbb lps tu keta tu berlalu mcm tu je.what a way to make someone's day kan? so sweet. kpd jejaka 4 org tu.thanks !!! *blushing*
so pengajarannya disini..stop being so annoying . cos malaysia ni kekurangan gentleman.cuba bygkan sy yg tk seberapa nak model look ni pn rasa rimas.apetah lagi mereka2 yg mmg model look tu.mesti dorg lagi mcm..helllooooo...talk to the hand !!!! get a lifee plss !!
orait people..thats all for now.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
my favorite drink ever !
today is saturday.so i went out lah mcm biasa...then i have lunch then minum ptg dan kemudian dinner. every meal mestilah ada minuman nya sekali bukan? jadi sy pun orderlah TEH O AIS !!!! for those who didnt know.my favorite drink of all time is hands down...TEH O AIS...saya pn tak tahu knp sy suka sgt teh o ais ni...kadang2 sy mls nk fikir nk minum apa...so i was like..teh o ais je lah...ataupun keadaan atau cuasa yg sgt panas membuatkan saya rasa nk minum teh o ais...atau pun bila lepak mamak air yg plg logik skali nk order is teh o ais.....
even by just looking at these pix pon saya rasa terliur nk minum teh o ais.....slrpppp !!!!! even some of my friends pun dah tahu dah air apa yg saya nak order...bukan main lagi belek2 menu cari air apa ada dkt kedai tu...tp last2 teh o ais jgk.....hehe..i know..im cute that way... :p
tp if pegi mamak if nmpk sy order air TEH AIS instead of TEH O AIS...cuba teka sebab apa???? sapa boleh jawab???
a) sebab rasa nk minum susu
b) sebab rasa boring minum TEH O AIS
c) sebab nak cicah roti bakar
d) sebab tgk meja sebelah minum teh ais
sapa2 boleh jawab mmg terer !
jadi..lepas ni if ada kuiz bertanyakan tentang apakah favorite drink ainaa? korang dah tahu jawapannya...hehehehhee..
Saturday, January 8, 2011
seperti semua org sedia maklum.sy sudahpn memulakan career baru saya di DTZ Nawawi Tie Leung sdn bhd..korang google lah sendiri apa company tu buat.mls lah sy nak explain.tujuan sy buat entry ni adalah kerna sy mcm mls nk jwb pertanyaan org lagi yg bila jumpa ke.twitter ke(tadek kwn pn).fb ke.ym ke.akan bertanyakan same question: AINAA MCM MANA KERJA BARU? BES TK? AWAK BUAT APA? mula2 excited lah sy yg suka bercerita ni nk explain.tp bila dah mcm org asyek tanya.im like...hek elehhhh...so lets settle this once and for all...konon2 semua org bacalah blog ni...after ni org tanyasy bole ckp ..pls check my blog...skema jawapan ada dlm tu...hehe
so company tu ok lah..i like what im seeing so far...sy baru seminggu kerja ctu...so far orgnya semuanya baik2....frenly..just the problem is me lah cos i always feel awkward..tareti buat kwn baru...so selama seminggu ni sy lunch dgn kwn2 citibank sy...i know i know..im not supposed to...next week sy janji sy kuar dgn dorg k..sy pon tak paham lagi apa kerja sy sebenanya...the main idea is i am the frontliner...meeting the client...buat presentaion...dptkn account or project before pass it all to the various dept to work on it...facing the clinet if dorg tk puas hati with our service...etc
the problem is...selama seminggu ni...sy tadek kerja lagi !!!! basically what i did was main tenet je lah...gila boring lah !!!!!! n guess what...i felt homesick like hell...mcm nk nanges...mcm rasa masa time sy pegi mrsm dulu..yg nanges hari2 makan tanak minum tanak tu... tp i convinced myself that this is just temporary...biasalah bdk baru masuk kerja kan.plus im the only one who's reporting directly to the big boss n dia plak busy..so mcm mana??..but on friday (semalam) boss told me that "ainaa...i know this whole week was like a vacation for u.but bare in mind that next week u're gonna be super busy"....hello bos....i love being busy ok !!! bring it on !!! hehehe...eksyen plak...so we'll see what happen next week...
in my mind: pls ALLAH let this be the one !
Saturday, January 1, 2011
so how did u guys spent your very 1st day of 2011?? well..mine was superbly simple and boring...so i woke up early in the morning coz SOMEBODY promised to bawak i makan NASI ARAB.

somebody: yang..nilah nasik arab yg bib cite tu.esok igtkn bib bwk syg lunch sini k.IGTKAN TAU !
me: orait...(dalam hati mcm sengih2 gembira)
esok pagi...
me: bib...wake up ! ckp nk pegi mkn nasik arab
somebody: ha jom ! syg siap2 lah..
me: mandi2...blow2 rambut..spray2 perfume..
teettt teetttt (bunyi bbm)
somebody: yang.my fren ajak pegi tunang dia lah.tapi skejap je.lps tu kita kuarlah
me: ok :)
me: b dah kol 4 ni..jadi kuar tak (baju semua tak tuka lagi)
somebody: tak jadi lah ek?
me: hek eleh...(geram tambah dissapointed gilos)..tp no heart feeling cz tamo gado cos i dun wanna start my year with a fight.
so i yg dah jangoks ni pon kuar lah sorang2 menuju ke wangsa walk...mula2 just nak beli organizer je (igt tak my new year's reso? heheh...dah beli !!!) tp tgk jam baru 15mins kuar..so pi la tgk movie sorg2...tgk cita deathbell2: BLOODY CAMP...

konon2 nk jerit2 sorg...masuk movie...movie kol 6.20pm...sy masuk tepat jam 6.30pm..tp jeng jeng jeng !!!! tadek org !!!..gila scary !!!
cite hantu korea yg penuh dgn mamat2 cute..geram nk cubit.

tepi: kosong !

depan: pon tadek org @@@!!
belakang: takot nk pusing belakang...!!tp sumpah tadek org

cuba tenangkn hati sambil goyang2 kaki.
after 5mins.still tadke org masuk...

saya pon cabut !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tggu dekat luar pintu....then ada kaple ni nampak muka sy nervous gilos kuar lari2...diorag pandang2 pelik igt kena rogol ke apa...sy pn sengih2..tanya la dorg..korang masuk movie ni ek? dorg tak layan...ceh!!! kerek punya rempits...then sy bagi la dorg masuk dulu..kasi chan dorg buat maksiat sket2....sy pn masuk muka cool n steady....hahahahah !!! so sepjg movie tu..hanya sy dan 2 ekor rempits ni je n ade lagi satu kaple lah....tp dorg tadek pulak jerit2...sy jek jerits sorg2...dorag buat apa kat belakang?? huhh??!! manusia ke org ? demm !!!
so mcm tu lah sy meraikan my 1st day of 2011...thrilling !!!! heheh..
so...utk tahun baru ni...sy dapat hadiah...tho mr.boyfriend tadek mention pn yg this is new year's prezzy...tapi sy konon2 jek la assume sendiri...cos menda alah ni dibeli dan di bagi pada new year's eve..tadaaaa !!!!!

yaa !! ini dea...bukan jam tu ye...tp bracelet tu...phiten health bracelet ke apa ntah..selalunya dipakai oleh ahlil sukan..sperti pemain badminton dan sebagainya...dato' lee chong wei adalah dutanya...gelang ni ada titanium katanya...(bukan ACK punya gelang ek...mahal sgt seribu)...yg ni murah jek...sweetkan bagi bracelet getah? org lain dapat diamond...kita dpt getah....diamond ada ke melancarkan perjalanan darah?? haaa....cooooo cweeeettt !!!! motifnya: supaya saya lebih sihat untuk menghadapi tahun baru !!! hehehe..thanx boboy !!!
k lah..thats all...nak pegi makan nasik arab ! hahah ;p
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