ok..ok.. sy tahu world cup dah seminggu abes..tp im not talking bout world cup je..my point is football in general la..why does people (n by people i mean mostly man) love or addicted to football ? tp bkn itu yg sy mahu bincangkn disini ye..cz i know i will never get the answer (geram !)
ok la..straight to the point..i've read an article somewhere which stated that a girl that love football is definitely getting 100 sexy points from the guys...yup ! thats true....this is based on a survey did by whoever yg tde keja...ntah papekn? pelik2 je la manusia ni...
abes tu mcm mane dgn girls yg tk brape nk minat bola mcm i ni...tk sexy kah? heheh..watever....ini adelah discriminasi !!!! kalau mcm tu..sy pon nk buat survey jgk la..so based on my survey..i've come to a brilliant conclusion..guys who enjoy shopping (bkn skadar masuk kedai mcm tu je..suka shopping disini bermaksud willing to walk throughout the mall n belek2 n try baju tp akhirnya tk beli pon ataupon beli..mane2 la.) is definitely getting 100000 sexy, attractive points from the girls !!
...fuh.leganya rase after type kenyataan diatas...hehe...watever..i dont understand football..but i totally understand these hunk !!! heheheh...slrppp !

David Beckham
(so wat if he's sooo yesterday...he's still n will always be in my heart)

Fernando Torres
(he's the cutest n sweetest ever ! He even have he's own book ! plus he reminds me of Mr Boyfriend.heh)
okla...dah lepas geram...see ya !
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