Sunday, July 25, 2010


since kita semua kecik.we all have a dream(s). tp bila kte besa..we came to realize that it's not easy to achieve every single one of our dreams.takesah la ape pon impian kita.even sekecik pasir pon i.e. kita bercadang nak makan durian esok esok pagi kita terbgn lambat.or hujan lebat.or kedai durian tutup etc. itu br impian byk faktor2 yang mempengaruhinya.cewah ! point is.bila kita tadpt capai ape matlamat or our dreams itu tadi..only one thing yg kita akan rasa.. DISAPPOINTED...yes ! kecewa.kecewa pon byk cabangnya..kte amek example durian tdi.kte tadpt mkn durian esok kte akan marah dkt org2 dlm rumah cz tak kejotkn bgn pg.kte akan salahkan hujan and kte mungkin juga akan salahkn pakcik jual durian tu cz malas nk bukak kedai.kekecewaan tdi yg menyebabkan kte menyalahkan sme kalau kita kaji blk scenario yg berlaku dlm kes durian ni(peringatan: kes durian ini mcm symbolic kepada real life la k)..penyebab utama adalah diri kita sendiri..kalau kte bersungguh sungguh berazam nk mkn durian esok.kte kne la berusaha.seperti kunci jam loceng supaya bangun pg..redah je hujan tu asalkan dpt pegi beli durian(payungkn ade..durhhh !) or if kedai pakcik durian tutup.byk lagi tempat lain yg ade jual durian..giant pon ade yg dah siap bungkus tu....hehe...faham tk moral of the story?

kesimpulannya..its easy to blame others without realizing yg kita sendiri adalah punca kegagalan kita utk mencapai ape yg kte hajatkn...and nothing is impossible..deep kan???? hehehehe.

ok ni org yg suka berangan..byk benda yg sy nk ade yg dah terlepas dah pon..n i blame myself for nak menyesal pon tk we can never turn back time below are the things that i wish i can accomplish before i turn 30(another 7 years bebeh !)

1. open my own business (boutique n spa)

2. travel to places that i've been dreaming about n shop shop shop !


LOS ANGELES (shopping !!!!)


(shah rukh khan is waiting for me at Taj Mahal)


(nk tgk sgt times square !)


(cz ive done a lot of my assignment psl amsterdam.n rase mcm menarik.
so i plan to go here for my honeymoon)

*ini antaranya la.byk lagi tmpt yg nk sgt mls nk cari pix.

3. have my own property (nak ade rumah sendiri b4 kawin.tamo la sewa2.takesah la mr boyfriend yg beli ke ape.whats yours is mine kan baby? heheh)

(tyh la besa2 sgt.nanti penat nk kene if ade duet lebih.bole la jgk nk besa2.heh)

4. buy myself stuff from high end brands without having to worry so much bout the price

LV (droolinggggg !)

(ini consider brg buatan malaysia kn?heh)
(Love the scarfs)



(would die for the palms !)

*tujuannya bukan la nak reward utk diri sendiri.heee !

5. renovate my old house in Kuantan.(im planning to paint the whole the gate.and build some kind of pond mcm kolam ikan dkt garden rumah<--mama punya wishes yg dea tk sempat nk buat.its ok mama.i'll do it for u k)

kecil kecilan je.kang kucing mkn plak.

6. hanta ayah pegi haji
7. kawin !!!!! (gatal sgt dah ni)
8. bungee jumping !!
9. panjat gunung kinabalu.

haaaa.....itu lah antaranya perkara2 yg i wish i could accomplish before i turn the big 3-0....hopefully smenya berjalan lancar..nanti bila sy dah umur 30 sy btau k if sy dah buat smenya ke tak..n i'll reveal the next list before i turn 40 plak..heheh..i know .. im so lame !!! biar la..... ;p

k..thats all..toodles !


Monday, July 19, 2010

I Want To Go Back To The Time When.....

hey everybody !!!!!!!!

don't be fool..i might sound cheery and happy.but the truth is i'm not..
for the moment at least.
sy pon tk tahu knp lately i've been feeling so down bout being a grown up.
im 23 years young...maybe not that old.but i'm in the stage of my life when i feel
like i want to be a child again..sigh ~~~~

ok la..i dont wanna sound like sy ni seorg yg suka merungut..
tp come on...who are we kidding..
semua org pon mesti akan rasa ape yg sy rase skarang ni kan??
takesah la bila2 pon..but at some point..kte akan rase perasaan ni...
gerunnnnnnn !!! heheh

tade la..smalam i was talking to an old friend of mine.and it felt good talking to him.
and quite frankly.
i actually missed him.u see he used to be my bestfriend mase dkt skola dulu.
we used to share everything with each other.
tp tade ape2 feeling tau..jgn noti noti..hehehhe...
tp yg sedihnya we've stop talking to each other..bukan la tk kwn dah..
i mean tk mcm dulu la..
n last nite when kte felt so different..
dulu everytime ckp tefon or borak2..
mesti non stop laughing n we used to talk bout silly things..
even tgh bincang psl problem pon bole jd lawak..
tp last nite was not like that at all..bukan la awkward ke ape..
but it was more like soooo MATURED..aduhhhh...
n our topic pon psl serious stuff ajek...
thats when it strikes me...iskh my point is..

the fact is..semua org akan grow up and have their own life..yg penting.ENJOY !!! heheh.


Friday, July 16, 2010

Football Frenzy

VIVA ESPANA !! (Mr.boyfriend yg ajar) hehe

ok..ok.. sy tahu world cup dah seminggu im not talking bout world cup point is football in general la..why does people (n by people i mean mostly man) love or addicted to football ? tp bkn itu yg sy mahu bincangkn disini i know i will never get the answer (geram !)

ok la..straight to the point..i've read an article somewhere which stated that a girl that love football is definitely getting 100 sexy points from the guys...yup ! thats true....this is based on a survey did by whoever yg tde keja...ntah papekn? pelik2 je la manusia ni...

abes tu mcm mane dgn girls yg tk brape nk minat bola mcm i sexy kah? heheh..watever....ini adelah discriminasi !!!! kalau mcm pon nk buat survey jgk based on my survey..i've come to a brilliant conclusion..guys who enjoy shopping (bkn skadar masuk kedai mcm tu je..suka shopping disini bermaksud willing to walk throughout the mall n belek2 n try baju tp akhirnya tk beli pon ataupon beli..mane2 la.) is definitely getting 100000 sexy, attractive points from the girls !!

...fuh.leganya rase after type kenyataan diatas...hehe...watever..i dont understand football..but i totally understand these hunk !!! heheheh...slrppp !

David Beckham
(so wat if he's sooo yesterday...he's still n will always be in my heart)

Fernando Torres
(he's the cutest n sweetest ever ! He even have he's own book ! plus he reminds me of Mr Boyfriend.heh)

okla...dah lepas geram...see ya !


Saturday, July 3, 2010


pada suatu babe safraa ckp ......

safraa: "if kte nk tau kte ni dah tua ke tk..tgk byk tk wedding invitations kte dpt..." it true? i must be so old then ! thanx saf !!

last 2 weeks was full with wedding invitations. tp satu pon tak pegi...sorry nanti sy kawin dtg tau ! :p hmmm..more and more of my childhood frens are getting married now...but not yet for me..walaupon dah gatal sgt nk kawen..but i dont think im i cant help but dream bout how my wedding would be like...hehehe...well..thats what girls do..dream bout their wedding day.......tadek keja sy sorg je yg suka berangan?? anyone with me pls stand up..pls stand up (rentak lagu eminem)...

the most important thing in a wedding for me is the ring..coz kte akan pakai that same ring for the rest of our life.kira mcm symbol of ur love la..cewah ! so my dream ring is........

heeeee...........of course the bigger the diamond the better not too nanti org igt fake plak..n the ring must be engraved with my name on his ring and his name on mine. awwwww !!!! .jgn dah btau Mr. Boyfriend and i can say that he's well informed...hopefully cukup la duetnya ;p

2nd thing is of course the dress !!!! hehehe......tamo la sewa2...i want to be able to show to my kids nanti....mane la tau dorg nk pakai my dress mase dorg kawen plak kan mcm roda...heeeee...ok so this is what i want..(hopefully)

haa..i want something like this for nikah.simple that my natural beauty pops out.hahahahah ;p

n something like this in gold for after nikah.again very2 simple..sbb sy tamo bersanding..MALU !!! just mkn2 je la cukup...hate bersanding ! so bj mcm ni senang nk berjln n salam2 org..

ok lepas tu of course pelaminnye....walaupon sy tamo sy nk la jgk ade pelamin.utk amek2 pix je the pelamin tu tk perlu la grand2 sgt..cukup2 syarat is enough...something like this maybe?

lgpn sy nk buat dkt rumah house is not that big ok la budget !

haaaa......mcm ni la lebih lebih meriah laa.ble dah dicampur dgn catering sme...(nk gotong royong masak2 kalau boleh..baru lah meriah..ade feel sket) tamo la nasik minyak..BORINNNGGGG !!! sy mahu masakan ala kampung...then ade booth cendol..pastu ade kambing golek..ade booth org bakar2 satay...ha something like a wedding..the food sgt penting utk tetamu. dah name pon tujuan dorg dtg nk mkn free kn..lgpn if mknan akan igt.."oooo...kawen ena tu...yg makanan dea sedap gle tu" need for bersanding cz i want to mingle around dgn my guest..sbb kalau bersanding org bole tgk dr jaoh je..mengarots ! offence..pendapat masing2 la kan..heheh...

tpkan...walaupon sy tak nk jgk ade pengapit..alaa.utk angkat hantaran je..n teman sy time sy nervous .. pengapit kne pakai color hitam utk my side and grey for mr boyfriend's side .. color sebegini dipileh supaya i lebih menyerlah..hehhehe...

oh ya ! my wedding will be at night tau...sbb br la make up nmpk cantik sket...n pix pon nmpk grand sket....haaaa...tu je lah ... tapyh la nk cte detail2 sgt kan..nanti ble sy kawen nanti dtg je la tgk sendiri...hehehe....

p/s to mr boyfriend....kumpul duet k darling..n pls dont be late for ur own wedding !
